London – Day 1

On the first day of our trip, we flew to London. As usual, we flew with Delta. We had a great flight, with great food, and arrived safely right on time.

If you have ever wondered what they feed you on international flights, here is a photo of our main meal. It was Chicken and vegetables, a roll, a drink, some salad, some hummus and celery, some pita bread, cheese, crackers, and a brownie.

Upon landing, Jeremy and I added some funds to our Oyster Cards, while our parents bought some for themselves. An Oyster card is a tap on/tap off public transit card. It allows you to easily pay for your journeys on buses, and the tube (subway system). The best part about an Oyster card is that there is a daily cap on the amount paid for transit. Once you reach this cap, the rest of the rides that day are free! The Oyster card costs 5 pounds initially, but it is reusable and totally worth the investment.

Next, we obviously jumped on the Tube to get to our hotel!

As you are probably noticing, each person on our trip had one carry on suitcase and a smaller pillow or personal bag. That is because carrying a lot of luggage is annoying, and also because budget airlines charge a lot for checking bags. If you travel to Europe, make sure you keep it light. Here is a great packing list to help you out.

We were exhausted from a long flight, so we decided to end the day with a great meal – Fish and Chips! For this meal, we went to a great restaurant called the Golden Chippy. It was a bit out of the way, and involved some walking to get to, but it was a great way to start the trip.

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