Packing with one carry-on.

Consolidating your luggage is all about knowing what you actually need, vs what you might possibly use once. Think about previous trips, and the items that you didn’t use, or that you underutilized.  Next, think about things that can serve several purposes. The best tip that I can offer you is to remember that you can buy nearly anything you need while you’re traveling. Make room in your bag for important things.

  • Only pack necessary toiletries, knowing that the basics will be provided at your hotel
  • Download travel guides instead of bringing physical books
  • Have your necessary liquids in a bag, ready to quickly present during security screenings
  • Always bring a small zippered pouch, or a resealable bag with you when traveling. Before you head through security, dump the contents of your pockets into the bag. When it’s time to collect your things on the other side, the process will be quick and easy. This will also prevent things from getting lost or forgotten.
  • Use packing cubes to organize electronics, makeup, and toiletries in your bag. Packing cubes can also be used for your clothes, but we have found that rolling clothes is the best solution.
  • Check the weather ahead of time. Don’t bring bulky jackets if the weather is going to be nice. If you aren’t sure, consider bringing along a lightweight waterproof jacket
  • Email important documents to yourself before you leave. That way, if you lose anything, you will have an easily accessible copy immediately available.
  • Have a zippered pouch packed with in flight essentials like headphones, battery packs, lysol wipes, snacks, earplugs, Kindle, etc. This will make it easier to get comfortable in case your carry on is gate checked, or simply difficult to access in flight. It also saves room in your bag, since you can carry it with you.
  • Bring lightweight, breathable clothing that dries quickly. This is especially important if you need to do laundry on the go. I always pack a bar of Zote soap, which makes it easy to do laundry in your hotel sink if needed.
  • If you insist on bringing an extra pair of shoes along, pack things inside of the shoes (like socks), so you don’t waste any space.

As always, remember to bring critical items, which can be found in more detail on our packing list.

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