London – Day 2

Before we start on day 2, we forgot something from Day 1! In the evening of our first day in London, we paid a quick visit to Big Ben (more properly, Elizabeth Tower). It was a great site to see. Big Ben is quite an awesome place. It is connected to the Houses of Parliament. Unfortunately, tours of the inside […]

London – Day 1

On the first day of our trip, we flew to London. As usual, we flew with Delta. We had a great flight, with great food, and arrived safely right on time. If you have ever wondered what they feed you on international flights, here is a photo of our main meal. It was Chicken and vegetables, a roll, a drink, […]


We are excited to be heading back to London. There is so much to do in the UK, that we spent an entire week there last time, and still didn’t do all of the things that we wanted to do! This time around, we are only spending a few days there. The main things that we are going to be […]

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