Stairs and public transit

The first thing to consider about traveling is how you will get around. In Europe, public transportation is typically the best choice. With the high costs of rental cars, different laws, speed camera’s, and the potential of having to drive a stick shift on the left hand side of the road, driving is not optimal. So, now that you are thinking about sticking with the metro, here are some things that you will need to know:

  • Many subway stations in Europe are not equipped with escalators or elevators. The bigger thing to consider here is that there are a lot of stairs to get into and out of the stations. Often, it is more than one flight of stairs. If you are not able to use stairs, of you are disabled, be sure to check each station out in advance so that you don’t have extreme delays.
  • Have you heard the phrase, “mind the gap?” Well, there is often a very large gap between the platform and the train. By large, I mean like 12 inches at certain times. If you use crutches or a cane, make sure that you look down before leaving the train.


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