Day 3 – London

On our third day in London, we started out with a lovely walk through Buckingham Palace gardens.

Next we went to… You guessed it… Buckingham Palace. While we were there, they did the Changing of the Guards ceremony. It was interesting. Before we get too far into that though, this sign is worth a mention…

There are thieves everywhere, especially busy tourist attractions in big cities. The best part about this sign was that there were police officers on the sidewalk warning tourists of pickpockets in the area. The police were acknowledging that the issue was out of hand and that they could not control it.

So, we thought that with it being April and such, there would be less people there this time around. Well, see for yourself…


Funny story about this next picture… We are extremely paranoid about letting other people use our phones to take pictures of us… Often, thieves will offer to take your photo, and then run off with your phone. So, we never give it to anybody who asks us if we want our picture taken. What we do when we want a group photo, is look for somebody who is clearly a tourist, and offer to take a picture for them. After they allow us to take their photo for them, there is a bit more trust between us, so we let them take our picture for us. The point of that explanation is that beggars can’t be choosers, and often times, our friendly tourist photographer does a pretty sub-par job… So if you’re wondering who that 5th person in the photo is, with their back turned away from the camera… So are we…

The next stop was Abbey road, where The Beatles photographed their famous album cover. These days, it is a busy road with lots of traffic. It is still a lovely intersection, just look both ways every few seconds or you may be run over…

Next up, 221B Baker Street


For dinner, we finished off with the classic meal, fish and chips. This time we went to Poppies fish and chips. It was great.

Our last act in London was returning to Hogwarts via Platform 9 3/4. We obviously can’t tell you the location of the platform for security reasons. Sorry.

Final thing… Do you enjoy British TV shows as much as we do? Check out this Free trial for Britbox and watch all of your favorites through Amazon.

We hope you enjoyed reading about day 3. If you’re planning a trip soon, check out our packing list! 


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