What to pack on your trip to Europe!

Pack light, but bring the essentials. Here are some of the top things to bring:


  • Underwear
  • Shirts
  • Pants
  • Socks
  • Jacket


  • Passport
  • Boarding passes
  • Prescriptions
  • Hotel reservations
  • Tickets for anything you have prebooked


  • Prescriptions. Make sure they are legal where you’re going. Although your prescription may be legal in your home country, bringing them to another country may be prohibited. Check each place that you plan to visit before you leave. You may need to provide special documentation for some countries. Also, always store your prescription medications in their original containers while traveling. Storing them in a non-prescribed bottle may cause you a ton of legal issues.
  • OTC medicines in original packaging. Airport security does not like to try and identify what medications you are bringing into their country, even if it is something like Ibuprofen. Keeping them in original containers helps security personnel to quickly assess your luggage contents, and get you out the door.
  • Sunscreen
  • Contact lenses
  • Contact solution
  • Contact case
  • Hygiene products
  • Random

  • Credit/Debit cards (Visa/Mastercard are best)
  • Ear plugs
  • Luggage locks (TSA approved ones)
  • Travel pillow
  • Ipad or tablet (make sure to download the free kindle reading app before your flight


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